Monday, July 17, 2006

At work...on a Sunday evenin'

It's already 6 minutes past 12, calls have been s-l-o-w, for a lot of folks working in the call center industry, this may sound like nothin short of paradise. But believe me it's boring, it really is. So while the rest of the world is still trying to enjoy the remaining hours of their weekends, watching tv or going to the we are at work on a Sunday night...checking our Friendster accounts, updating our blogs, viewing explicitly violent videos (laughing) and well waiting for calls. Ah, the joys of being an account executive.I heard some of my colleagues are planning to order pizza, sounds great to me! (smile) But well, one of the obvious advantages of working during the weekends is that there are not a lot of people on the floor, just a skeleton crew taking-in calls. So it's pretty quiet and of course work isn't that demanding as it is during weekdays. Hmm, where's the pizza guys??

Friday, July 07, 2006

New reads and etc

Currently reading "Seattle's Best Places". This is unlike any travel guide i've ever read, concise and excellently well written, it instantly transports you to the sights, smells and taste of everything that is Seattle, hmm I am actually craving Caffe Dilettante's espresso, now if they could just open up a branch here in Ortigas (in my dreams!)

Currently listening to Amy Grant's "Behind the Eyes", album was written and recorded right after her divorce. Inspiring and heart tugging, try listening to this on a rainy day. I did.

Half asleep, half awake

I rise from my bed with eyes half close, the coldness of the wind outside my window embraces me from within. Sleep came like a turtle in slow motion, I am still wishing that I woudn't feel so alone. Each day has it's moments of bliss, but there are days when you just wish time doesn't have to exist. Well, time and chance happens to us all, sometimes we rise and sometime we do fall. The rains has come, the crisp cold air of the season has dawn. May the rain wash everything anew, and the winds blow away all the hollow years. Yes indeed, these are the seasons of my life. Everything comes and goes, everthing changes like the seasons. I basked in the richness of all these experiences, I breath in everything and I delight in the richness of being alive. Yes, let the rains come and let them wash over me. As the seasons change, then so shall I.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Rants and Raves

Ranting because Brazil lost to France 1-0, Por pabor! It's gonna be an all European showdown. Hmm, I wonder if Portugal is a good bet.

Raving because of Paqiuao's win over Larios last Sunday.

After the weekends

Here I am once again in front of my PC at work. Things didn't go as I planned during the weekends. I didn't go to Bagiuo as planned, I didn't even go to the movies. Well how did I spend my weekends you ask? I stayed home, I know typical boring me. I stayed home and had my very own movie marathon right in my own room. I bought a bunch of dvd's and watched all of 'em, got myself some snacks and allowed the tube do it's work, taking me away to imaginary lands, courtesy of Hollywood of course.

Well, here is the list of the films that I watched.

1.) Black Hawk Down (so you'll know how crazy Islamic extremists can be)

2.) V for Vendetta (the line.."the people should not be afraid of their government, the
government should be afraid of their people" really gets to me)

3.) Munich (one of the best films I've seen this year. Steven Spielberg of course)

4.) Aeon Flux (Stylish, science fiction flick)

5.) Sleepless in Seattle (now I have watched this movie like a million times, but this classic
ceases to entertain me. I love Seattle and I would really want
to visit it in
the future).