2:30 Work. Starting to go back to the basics. Going back to where I started. Changing, evolving, learning. Thankful, grateful for the lessons learned. Understanding that when everything comes full circle, everything boils down to one thing...purpose. Without it, life losses it's meaning, without it, life is without soul. Find your purpose, pursue it with all your might.
Displacement, giving up something in order to be able to recieve something better, much more precious. Difficult, but neccesary. Most of the time, we think what we have is the best so we cling to it like our very life depended on it. But sooner or later we realize (often the hard way) that what we're holding on to is trash in comparison to what we will be recieving, so like a kid holding on to a stupid lolli, we kick and try to tantrum our way out, but as always God, in his loving kindness and patience, who in his wisdom knows whats best, would often times have to take what we believe is best in order for us to recieve the excellent.
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