Monday, December 03, 2007


There are a lot of changes going on around the office, people getting transferred to different departments, people getting promoted etc. Cathy, one of my good friends here inside Business Development was moved to the credit apps dept, although we will still be able to see each other around the office, we will still be missing her, her intelligent comments, snide remarks which to this day still manages to surprise us will not be forgotten around BD. This seemingly soft spoken Economics grad is quick-witted, smart and very opinionated is definitely not a run-of-the-mill type-o chick. Which brings me to my next barrage of chop logic; QA, yes, yours truly will be part of the QA Team starting this week, I am enthusiastic about this latest turn of events inside the company, hopefully I will be able to exceed what is expected of me.

Change is good. Things have been happening in my life in such a fast pace that my mind can't seem to cope a good way. Abeit a cliche, I truly believe in the saying that when God closes doors, He opens up big ones. There was this word that I heard from one of the speakers in a conference we attended back in Australia, if my memory serves me correctly, he used the word "displacement" a shift, a change (that word again) the removal of something in order to gain something in return. We hate changes, we like our lives to be systematic, in order, logical. But life is sometimes pragmatic, change does happen and we have to admit that we have no control over this. Acceptance and to learn how to move without overly analyzing each event is important. That goes the same for past relationships, sometimes we try to hold on, cling on to something that will no longer be of benefit to us. In so many ways, we let the past control us, dictate our future, we hold on to it as if we cannot survive without the constant remembrance of our broken affairs, ironically we are even addicted to the pain, as if it's constant recollection fuels our desire to live, like an obsession we hold on to the memories of the past, the pictures, it's people even the ones that has hurt us so deeply. Ironic. We must learn to let go and yes even forgive. Until that happens, we will always be haunted by the ghost of our pasts, we will be constantly chained to the walls of unforgiveness, unable to love or recieve love.

Hmmm, I should stop writing for now. Gotta get back to work.

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